I'd love to see some posts from others who attended the conference last year in Chicago. There were several NTM MKs there who have posted here from time to time. I hope they will respond to your question.
For me, the conference was incredible. I noticed the immediate connection that MKs feel with one another, even when they are from different countries, missions and age ranges.
The speakers were phenomenal. Wm Paul Young, an MK himself with abuse in his childhood, was the most moving and inspirational to me.
One thing I really appreciated was that there was not a heavy-handed Christian tone to the conference. Some of the speakers definitely brought their faith into their presentation, but there were others who were not there to talk about faith. There was a well-rounded list of sessions, including alternative therapies for PTSD and other helpful things. I hope this will not change, as the attendees are not all in the same place in their journey, and do not gather together to be preached at (no one preached ... I'm just saying, I hope no one ever will).
The turn-out was disappointing, I think. So much work and effort went into planning a tremendous conference, with top-notch speakers. Thousands of MKs could benefit from such a conference. So I do hope the attendance will grow significantly.
The Open Letter to Missionary Parents that I wrote was a direct result of my being at the conference. I was shocked that I appeared to be the only missionary parent of abused MKs who was there, and my shock led me to make an effort to get the attention of missionary parents who, like myself, placed their children in boarding schools.
Last year's conference was the first such one MKSN ever held. The expenses were subsidized in a big way by a memorial fund for Marilyn, the sister of Beverly Shellrude Thompson, who passed away before the conference for MKs which she dreamed of became a reality. I will be curious to see what next year's conference will cost. The expense can be a big deterrent for many of us.
I hope many MKs will be able to attend next year. Enthusiastic participation by a large number of MKs will make a great conference even better!!