Geez ... I'm blushing.
Thank you, my friend. Like many others in the past, I owe you a deep bow for your part in helping to keep this dance from being lopsided.
Without you, I would be Ginger Rogers without Fred Astaire.
Or Abbott without Costello.
Or Garfunkle without Simon.
Separately we are only one. Together we are many.
And deep thanks goes out to the many others who have contributed here in the past, those who have contributed for a long time, and those who are relatively new.
MKs, former missionaries, friends, family, advocates and encouragers.
Poets, artists, singers, dancers, math geniuses and chainsaw operators.
Together, we are many.
Glass at the ready. For sure!!
I love you all!!! Even those who read and never write. We know you are there!!!