That's a very good interview and well worth a listen. It answers one big question I have pondered for the last 2 years, how did so many sex offenders end up in NTM?
According to Boz, religous groups are targeted by sex offenders, because they are easy pickings. Christians don't believe that it could happen and even when it does, choose to say little because they think it will damage the reputation of Christ.
As Boz goes on to point out, the opposite is the reality. By remaining silent, the credibility of the Church takes a hit, whereas dealing with the problem would be a more credible approach in the eyes of the secular world.
Doing a bit of background research. Mike Huckabee is a highly achieved political figure. Here is his contact details In the opening of his interview with Boz he states that he has an interest in seeing the end of child abuse, so here is a chance for the articulate of us to take up his challenge and offer our expertise, wisdom and stories. Never know, he might just reply