Yunker and I will now join together and sing:
We welcome you
To the PNG thread
We welcome your ramblings
Tumbling from your head
ahhhh maybe not
No seriously, your points are excellently made. The world we live in today is not the tidy little boxes of decades ago and those who have made their world so. But I think our world is better for the searching questions and the conversation between us.
Now to answer the question are Aussies Westerners. Well they are 3 hours flying West of Kiwiland, which is about right, as we don't want their flies, crocs, flies, snakes, flies and did I mention flies? Most Kiwis would probably think the term Westerner is more applicable to the European and U.S. sector with the east being the old Soviet bloc and Asia. We are more of a South Pacific country, although the last stop before Penguinville if one is going South and a long long way from Chile if one is going East (not forgetting 3 hours flying from Flyville if one goes west).
So tonight I shall have for supper, a nice Thai takeaway which the lovely part Chinese Mrs Bemused will bring home and I think we might just have a slice of good ole apple pie as I remember my MK friends in the West (who are actually mostly North East of us). However I will show my prejudice by not having a bit of horse meat that is pretending to be beef, as the Europeans seem to be currently experiencing
Bon Apetite and happy rambling