All of you are such Angels. Truly. The support you give me, the understanding and the nurturing is amazing to me and an answered prayer. See I knew God liked me
I want to share a miracle for me today with you... I found Kerry Gray!! Let me tell you what she did for me. When I was kicked out of the compound and my mother was being kept from me through her "re programming" I didn't know what to do. No toys still, the big dorm had been my home. Where do I go. Tree is too wet as it is the rainy season. Schneider boys still gone. Slaymakers were no longer allowed around me. So Kerry came out in the pouring rain, risked severe punishment and built this tin hut with me while we laughed and laughed and she said see Ralph we are having fun. HA. I only knew her for a brief time and loved her accent but I have missed her for a lifetime. God was in NTM. It was us children. Truly. And that Mango tree. So an answered prayer. I needed a friend, support and someone who understood. She has even validated some very sad stuff for me. She only could remember me as the "bAd girl" YUP that is what that Christian Leader did to me. Erased my name along with my innocence, safety and security on top of never trying to get my toys there. I was the "bad girl" Does he know what that did to me???
My brothers hated me. I was bad
My dad was embarassed of me. I was bad
My sister said HA HA you are bad
My Mom abandoned me because I was bad
So I became a child prodigy - as soon as my parents got excited I said NA I am going to fail now
I gave up my virginit at 14 and only did it to say HAHA DAD now who is dirty
I refused to cook and sow as my mother wanted me to do it for my brothers to fix me so I could be a good wife because that was the only chance I had
I played Fietld Hockey. Damn good too! They only went to my sisters game. My dad went to my last one. I broke my niose
I was loved by all my friends and their parents. My parents said no something must be wrong
So at 15 I met a 21 year old and yes dated him, ran away to Boston and snuck out all the time
I flashed all of my dads co workers in town. Wanna see dirty here ya go
I manipulated men
I did nothing but run
I almost died from bulimia but hey my mom said my beauty was all I had
I had to stay back in school instead of being moved up because my siblings weren't smart and that wouldn't b e fair
I got my own job and became a manager at 15. No one cared
I went to college. No one else did.
I tutured my little brother and mothered him
I was beat up by my older siblings constantly
I ran away
I overdosed
I cut
Sex was fun
and oh the clothes I had from shoplifting
I did what I wanted and let Marla take the fall this time as she couldn't keep her mouth shut
Everyone in town said that poor girl.
I married someone at 19 after a month of knowing him because he was my ticket out
I had a baby
I was free
Nope. I have two degrees and did it as a full time Mom, worker and PTA Board Member
No one went to my graduation so I said keep the degree
I raised three girls on my own with a very abusive ex
I fought him all alone.
I had to give him sexual favors for help with car etc
My own dad wouldn't help me
NO MAN was ever there to protect me and I was going through men like cookies and told once that they aren't chess pieces. HUH yes they are
I became a stripper for a day.
I had a beautiful body and I knew it.
I was a model
But no one ever said WOW Heather you are a good Mpm
NOPE I was divorced and a shame again. Oh he beats you, cheats on you and sexually abuses. Oh come on he makes good money. He is your husband.
Left all on my own when my third child was 1 month old
Met a man in Church. Hey maybe Dad will love me now
Ex got mad at me so did the boyfriend when I broke up with him
They had a plan. Teach me
He raped me for hours making me say I was a bad girl
He left, He came back
He laughed.
My daughters were upstairs
I froze
He said he would go for them if I didn't take it
NO WAY you can kill me.
I will endure hours and years of your rape....NOT MY ANGELS\
He kidnapped me the next day
Leaving my babies alone for 8 hrs
He tortured me
He blackmailed me
He killed my soul again
Man I hate Christian men
What is the deal
Fought for my kids
Lost them due to extreme stress and fear
Met a Cuban
Met my hero
He made me laugh and feel safe
He also abused me
I started it
I became violent. really violent
I live in fear, suffer physically, cry, literally felt my mind go when it did
CUT again
Tried to kill myself over 30 times in one year
Everytime though my little girl text me
An gels again.
God does love me
They are grown now
My dad isn't angry someone touched me
Ughhh I am bad again
Oh I took down the biggest Mortgage fraud gang in the NW
NO one cared
That was scary
It was hard
I risked my career
Let my ex have the girls in case these guys came after me
They are in jail
FBI and IRS took all the glory. They priomised money. I wanted to I could heal
Still waiting
\Don't do it
Wait those innocent kids
Damn I was a victim too
I knew it
I am not nuts
Why me
Oh yeah I am bad
Why doesn't my family care
They won't even get back to Anne so she can cross them off
I hate my family
I hate God
OH WAIT NO...sorry God I love you
My nephews mom kills herself. Another BPD victim. She couldn't handle how my family madre her feel. My mom took her boys.
She was a drug addict
But she was still hurting
Nope not the Embletons
My boss killed himself
HE was my father figure
OK I am jealous of them
HUH H you are nuts
Cut again
Hate these scars
Oh I live with parents and brother\
She buys me a lot\
My brother hates me so bad and blames me. He abuses me. Really people
I shut down
I have lost my smarts, drive, hope and only pray for God to kill me PLEASE
This sucks
OK BAD GIRL don't let them win
I have a plan
It is called ME
and yup I am going to spread the good word of NTM
You have now messed with the wrong girl
I write
Yup gonna take you exposing you
I will keep these Chame MKs going. We can do this
Contacted the attorney. Hmmmm he looks good. I don't want blood money back
I want me. That 10 year old girl. Damn she is mad at me
Oh I gained weight. Oh well
Can't throw up anymore and my mom took my beauty anyway. Made me shallow but wouldn't let me model and always says my girls are so pretty. YEAH they look just like me and you are on limited soul time with them.
I did drugs
I drank
I was wild
It was fun
But not really
I am a good girl and I love God
I can't even be intimate
Sex is sex to me and I am good
By boyfriend just wants to hold me
I mock him
that isn't nice
Another acronym added
and another
damn stop giving everyone so much ammo
What happened to Heather
She was so strong and put together
Oh she walked away from her home, car, sold everything and hid. But it feels good
I hate this constant train wreck
Now my IBS is severe
Yup AND The diabetes. I used to be so healthy. I am falling apart. But am I trying to. Slowly killing myself
Any way I have a plan.
If I am too loud then back away
It won't get quieter
Sorry M & D
You are wrong
Marla you are weak
Paul you are mean
David WTF I was your mommy, spent all night on phone with you when you found out you were BI Polar. LOve you BRO
Oh yeah the Embletons live in denial and selfishness. All about them and their pain
I am stronger and I am the one who was the victim
Stop blaming me
Stop looking at me like I am dirty
I am really smart
Very smart
and I don't need men to coddle me
I can build a house
Start a business
Understand an Opera
Dig in the dirt
Swim a lake to save a child
Swim the 2nd biggest river
help a stanger
Give a van to a DV victim
Cry with victims and mean it
I am good
I am Heather NOT BAD girl
I have a sad story but if you listen you will feel God through me and my love for my kids. A True love. A love of sacrifice
I want to love
I want to love
I want to be loved
Ok 40 yrs old
Someone sent me a pic of my tree
How amazingly peaceful
I just need a hug M&D
I can hug myself so HA
LOVE to all of you
Had to get it out
I am ready to face my real demons
This time I don 't care what the fam thinks
Live in your hell
I am out of here
Does Heather Spencer sound good??
No marriage
Done being an Embleton
Kisses, prayers and may your angels return!!