Bother, as a late comer I've probably missed the "Repentance Retreat". Not sure if it's my cup of tea. I remember "Repentance Days" at the NTM school I went to. The guilt laid on by the ever powerful principal as he extorted confessions for misdemeanours. I'm sure some of us just made sins up to get it over and done with. Actually to be bruttally honest, I really can't face being in a room full of "zealous Christians" anymore, even repenting ones. I find family reunions hardgoing and try and avoid them. I agree that abusers need to be brought to justice, but the demons from my past are either dead (and beyond repenting) or going to be very difficult to find. Not sure I'd want to meet some of the MKs that I grew up with either. This blog site has major advantages over blog sites set up for MKs: A) I can protect my identity, so that I don't have to put up with the condesending nonsense that I got when using my own name on another site. B) This site is not regulated by a relative of one of the named abusers, who insists on vetting anyone who wishes to participate. I have had dealings with NTM field committe members as an adult and they think nothing of resorting to blackmail and hate mail if they feel they are going to be exposed (in my case it was a significant fraud issue). For those who feel there will be a benefit with a "Repentance Retreat" go for it, just pass on my apologies and let me know how you get/got on.