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MK forum :: View topic - Change?? Look at line one after Purpose:
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Change?? Look at line one after Purpose:
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Author:  Yunker [ Sat Oct 01, 2011 12:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Change?? Look at line one after Purpose:


1 Introduction
NCA Vision Statement:
To glorify God and to assist in the establishing of indigenous tribal churches throughout PNG
by supporting parents in providing a Christ-centered education for their children.
We are here in PNG because God has placed us here as part of his plan to reach all the tribes
with the gospel. The teachers and dorm parents of Numonohi Christian Academy are not only
concerned about your education; they are also concerned about your spiritual, social, and
physical welfare. They want to accept you as you are, and their ministry is to guide you in
your development so that you can grow in Christian maturity as God would have you grow.
Numonohi Christian Academy was raised up to meet the educational needs of the children of
New Tribes missionaries. When staff and facilities are sufficient, the school will also be
open to other evangelical missions serving in Papua New Guinea in the vicinity and
evangelical PNG citizens of similar doctrine to New Tribes Mission. It was begun in 1966 in
temporary facilities at the Oluguti base, Lufa Sub-District. Soon afterward, development of
the new school site began at Numonohi (now known as Lapilo Center). After four years the
school was moved to its new permanent home to start the February term of 1971. The school
is a faith project of the NTM missionaries of the Papua New Guinea field.
School Verse:
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” Prov. 1:7
School Colors:
Royal Blue and White
1. To aid New Tribes missionaries in reaching tribal people for Christ
2. To aid parents in training their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord
3. To provide a sound academic education integrated with the Christian view of God and
the world
4. To encourage each child to trust in Christ as Savior and to dedicate his life to the Lord
5. To instill a Biblical philosophy of life into each student so that he is enabled to see
life from God’s viewpoint
6. To teach each child how to have a daily walk with the Lord and to encourage them in
7. To instill in each child those personal qualities that are necessary for developing
Christian character. Included among these would be respect for and obedience to
authority, self-discipline, and a spirit of thankfulness.

Author:  Raz [ Sat Oct 01, 2011 3:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Change?? Look at line one after Purpose:

Wow. It's really hitting me, how differently the wording of this feels to me now, as compared to how I would have felt reading a statement like this 20 years ago.

The decades of pain have certainly readjusted my perspective, on so, so many things ...

Author:  Yunker [ Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Change?? Look at line one after Purpose:

It's very sad at how far they go to beat this into kids heads that you disappoint God you ruin your family.

Author:  Gene Long [ Sun Oct 02, 2011 5:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Change?? Look at line one after Purpose:

Yunker, thank you for taking the time to locate and post this information.

It's amazing how difficult it is as an "outsider" to find information about what is going on at the present time in NTM. When we were members, there were a number of issues that we were "encouraged" not to "share" with those on the "outside." Little did I know how effective this blackout was!

My sense is that very little has changed or, indeed, can change. As long as your "servant leaders" can fire you, leaving you without health coverage, without marketable skills and without a reputation, there is always going to be unspoken pressure to conform to what the unwritten rules.

Author:  Pamela E. Bennett [ Sun Oct 02, 2011 6:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Change?? Look at line one after Purpose:

I am not involved with your stories but just want you to know that I care and pray for this whole sordid sin to be reckoned with. NTM is WRONG. Full stop.

Author:  Thai MK [ Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Change?? Look at line one after Purpose:

(1) To aid New Tribes...
(2) To aid Parents...
(5) To instill...
(7) to instill...

I don't know how they "instill" things these days, but I do remember how things used to be "instilled" in children.

Author:  Yunker [ Tue Oct 04, 2011 11:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Change?? Look at line one after Purpose:

I recommend you all go to the website and read the whole thing. I don't see a lot to do with education, I do see a lot to do with making sure they produce little NTM christian warriors.

It is one controlling statement after another. You will do this, no talking, Bible in hand, you will do this etc. I see no love in this, just control. And not healthy control. This is cult control at it's best.

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