Welcome, NotQuite!
This is most definitely the place to talk about trauma suffered in an NTM environment. The pain suffered by you and your family, even though you were never in an MK school overseas, is as important to us as all the other pain we discuss here.
The thing that has become clear to me in the time that I have spent deeply involved in the discussions on this site is that much of the abuse that has hurt so many, many children occurred because of some general underlying attitudes and methods of group control practiced in New Tribes Mission.
Within recent months we have been made more aware that abuse has been occurring in many other fundamentalist environments as well. Stories are coming out of Bob Jones University, Pensacola Christian College, etc. that show me more clearly how the oppressive leadership system set up in these patriarchal organizations contributes to abuse. Women and children are not valued and respected. Actually, in general, individuals are not valued or respected. The survival of the organization drives many, many decisions. Thus, people like your father are tossed aside, if they become more of a "hindrance" than a "help" for the greater good, for the forward movement of the mission.
This lack of respect for the individual person is now seen so clearly in the appallingly poor response of NTM to the adult survivors of childhood abuse in NTM. The MKs from Vianopolis have been asked to trust NTM and participate in their sham investigation, and now they have waited five months since the submission of IHART's report to the EB, with no results. Not even any communication, as far as I can determine, aside from occasional indirect posts here on Fanda Eagles, which come through another person. Again ... nothing sent to the individuals. The MKs who were molested or abused, and the other MKs who also suffered trauma because of the sexual abuse they were aware of. Not to mention the emotional, physical and spiritual abuse all of them accepted as "normal" when they were children, because that's how everyone was treated.
Yes, it is clear to me now. Individuals don't count. They don't matter.
And this, in my opinion, is radically opposed to the beliefs we claim we hold so dear as Christians. It is radically opposed to what missionaries say motivates them to reach tribes, until the last tribe is reached. New Tribers for over seven decades have gone to incredible lengths to bring the Good News of God's love to individual members of isolated and neglected tribal groups around the world.
And yet they don't have the decency to communicate with individuals in the United States of America to tell them specifically what is being done to address the abuse that they suffered during the time their parents were sacrificing so much in order to show that individuals matter to God.
This is a rant about what is on my mind these days, but it does address your question, NotQuite, about whether you matter here.
The answer is: YES, you do.
Several years ago there were some threads and posts about abuse in Stateside NTM environments. All of us who are familiar with NTM understand that it is not only children who have been used and abused in NTM. And that abuse has been a part of the overall picture, not only overseas, but in training centers and headquarters as well. Among staff and students. It has been pervasive, and we all put up with it, because we cared so much about reaching tribal people, that we allowed our own dignity and individuality to be trampled on for the great good.
Group control. Group think. Which led to abuse of power. Mind control. Behavior control. Abuse of men, women and children. Emotionally and spiritually. And tragically, in other ways as well.
It is time to tell our stories.
Everyone matters. Every single person truly does.