Communication is always difficult. I have found it has become harder since I have decided to express my thoughts and feeling. Allbetter don't apologize for who you are. Everyone has the privilege of thinking for themselves, and to express it. It is better if it can be done without attacking someone else. But there are times in our journey when what we say is an attack on others. But we cannot just stay quiet we were shut up for way to long.
Aussie there are a lot of people who are working in the background. What they do will never make the news but every little bit helps. There are a lot of people out there winning over those people who send money to missions to stop. They may only influence one or two people but they are important. Right now here in US we are beginning to see even preachers stand up in the pulpit and say all the cover up must stop. This has taken many years when the few were discouraged but kept on fighting in their own battle field. Mamouites have been in battle since the early 80s. Fanda eagles has done a great job exposing NTM. There are the brave ones from ABWE. SIM has some also. There are other little missions who only have one or two who are trying to make a difference. I have had people tell me they read here but never comment. That is great they are learning and influencing others. I don't find the women who comment on this site too worried about pushing boundaries.
Kyle it is good for you to be here and express how you feel. Not everyone will agree but I don't think anyone will say you have no right to feel as you do. More power to you for expressing what you and some other feel. I have a friend who there is very little we agree about but we still are friends. My friends don't have to agree with me, of course I know I am right HAHA.