Anger is fine, better to let it out than bottle it up and have it bubble over in some sort of self destruct mode. What it boils down to for most of us is that we have one shot at life on earth and much of our limited time has been stolen by a cultish group who believe they have the right to dictate how we lived. Now they have been exposed for what they really are, a perverted cult obsessed with sex and instead of sticking up their hands and saying, "sorry, sorry, sorry", they call in their lawyers and pretend they are martyrs. Of course there are nice people stuck in NTM, they are being used as the front for what is going on behind the scenes. Ever wondered why NTM isn't jumping up and down and demanding that their perverts aren't jailed for the horrendous crimes they committed? Because they know if they put an offender in the dock, he'll talk to save his own skin and then we'll find out who else is involved in this and just how close to the top the offending is. Their is honor amongst the thieves who stole our childhoods, until one of them goes down and needs to save their own skin and spills the beans.
It's a cult folks, wakey wakey!!!!!!!