Dear Liars,
I'm not sure if you are male or female, but I'll assume you are male and lets have a man to man chat. Us male MKs don't generally talk about abuse, because we are woefully inadequate at talking about such things, compared to our more verbally articulate female colleagues. We like to think that we are tough and can sort our own problems out, it is an impression we like to exude, as we think it is unmanly to show emotion. And that works fine, till one day some of us snap and all hell breaks loose. We like to deny such things and just get on with life and in the world of NTM there is considerable pressure to keep quiet, to keep what was seen and experienced under wraps. People who speak out are labelled as having "bitter spirits", "ruining the reputation of godly men" or "being unable to forgive, forget and move on". Sexually abusing a child is a criminal offense and alas it took place in many fields over periods of decades, so why it was covered up is hard to comprehend. There are many people who do not want their pasts looked into and will go to great lengths to make sure the illusion of wonderful childhoods is maintained. As males we were brainwashed into thinking that we were superior creatures to females, that it was even ordained by God Himself. We were brainwashed with many strange thoughts, and it becomes hard to sort out what is really true and what it not. No doubt my colleagues on this excellent sight will pray that you come to find out what really was the truth of those decades past and that you find the capacity to help others who have not been as fortunate as yourself to have a pleasant childhood. They will also no doubt graciously pray that you find it within yourself to help those less fortunate. As for me, excuse me not praying, faith was knocked out of me decades ago, but perhaps a "man to man" chat will help.