It's to raise awareness about how much abuse is going on in the church and it is aimed at all professing Christians. I think it is about time that something like this was done, but it is really embarrassing to see this getting such poor support. Don't Christians care about abuse or are most of us to stupid to figure out how much damage it is doing? Almost every week there is another person being jailed for sex abuse down here and most times they are prominent church members. If this was a disease it would be called an epidemic and the country would be in isolation!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like the way this guy comments when he signed, he hits the nail on the head:
I was molested in my church as a child. The confusion that caused for me sparked a crisis of faith that nearly cost me my relationship with Jesus Christ. God is faithful, and I have found much healing, but through no help from the church where my innocence was shattered and my vulnerability was exploited. Today, I am a gay Christian who believes in the power of Jesus Christ to heal all the world. Many of the survivors I know will never feel safe in a church again. Many survivors I know cannot believe in a God who loves them, because the very place they heard this message was unsafe for them and its really hard to believe in a God of love when the minister is defiling your body or the Sunday school teacher is raping you. God does not need the Church. The Church needs God. God will not be mocked, not even by those who believe they are called in His name. It is time for the Church to repent of its arrogance and its erasure of sexual abuse and sexual assault victims. It is time for the Church to take care of the beam in its own eye before bothering with the motes it perceives in survivors' eyes. It is time for Christians to be Love, Light and Salt in the world, true love, true light and true salt, not some self-serving political agenda of privileged people who cannot care for the poor and the oppressed or lift up the fallen with words of comfort, not judgement. "Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the Kingdom of God." -- Jesus Christ
It's designed by GRACE, wonder how many of their clients and former clients like NTM will be getting their members to sign?
Three cheers for GRACE